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What mysteries yet remain to be revealed? Join us at Unusual Due Diligence to find out!

Sometimes you need to zoom out to see the bigger picture...


Poseidon shares the background behind the launch of the second web game on Medium. Visit the itch site here. This completes a major goal on the bingo sheet for the channel, adds new capabilities to Poseidon's bag of tricks that he didn't have before.

August 13th, 2022

Poseidon writes on the UnusualDD itch channel on Medium. Visit the itch site here.

August 6th, 2022


A humbling number shows up in the reports: the channel crosses over fifty thousand video views. Incredible!.

July 22nd, 2022

The Magazine Feature!

On the seventh of July, Milkshake of the Unusual Due Diligence channel is interviewed by CryptoMagazine.Digital. Visit and Read the latest magainze here.

July 7th, 2022

First Medium Article

Inspired by members of the broader community, Milkshake writes down a few rules about video Sponsorships for the channel. Click to read the latest rules.

July 7th, 2022

The FIRST Channel NFT

Click to view the first Unusual Due Diligence Channel NFT. If you are curious about the long journey that led to the creation of this NFT, I cover the entire adventure in this video.

June 3rd, 2022

800 Subscribers to the Channel

You are 800 times awesome.

May 24th, 2022

Complete! 1 Collaboration Video

Marking YET ANOTHER item as complete on the bingo vision board with the realization that anonymous redditor made in regards to a recent project with LeviTheGiant. LeviTheGiant x Unusual Due Diligence on MIT. Deep rabbit hole, the follow-up is here:

May 19th, 2022

Stack of 100 Cassettes

Marking an item as complete on the bingo vision board feels just as amazing as pouring over stacks of cassettes. Why? Because there's music to be had. On 5/17/2022, the mighty god of the sea surpasses 100 twitter followers. From mix-tapes, to singles, to full records, the cassette was a remarkable technology for a remarkable time. Did you know cassette sales increased during the covid pandemic? Need a dose of unusual? Of course you do. Find the channel on twitter at

May 17th, 2022

Vision Bingo

The vision board is now available online. Presented in the form of a bingo sheet, the longer term vision of the channel is made clear. View Visions

May 14th, 2022

Puzzle Game Goes Live!

Launched with a special episode on the channel, the second every web-game goes live. Go shake up the whales

May 2nd, 2022


Explained in the Thursday episode the Twitter account for the channel goes live. Feed Lazerbeak

April 28th, 2022

My First Reporter

A real, human reporter contacts the channel host over the email. We share words with one another. The best words.

April 17th, 2022

700 Subscriber Mark

The channel surpasses 700 subscribers. More Incredible? Three animated characters on one screen at the same time. A personal record.

April 6th, 2022

Audiobook Experiment

Should you read whitepapers over a campfire? I took a week to figure that one out. Whitepapers as Audiobooks over Campfires. #oncewasenough

March 14th, 2022

600 Subscriber Mark

The channel surpasses 600 subscribers. Incredible.

February 15, 2022

Buy a Coffee for Poseidon

The official website gets a small update, which allows anyone with a solana capable wallet to buy Poseidon... a coffee. These edits take time. The kind of time that go long into the night. Did you know the Phantom wallet allows one to hold UnDD tokens? Perhaps the beginning of something amazing.

February 2, 2022

500 Special Sing-a-long

To celebrate crossing 500 subscribers, Poseidon tirelessly worked to create a unique episode. An un~us~ual due diligence sing-a-long.

January 20, 2022

First Contest

The first sweepstakes contest concludes and Poseidon demonstrates a bit more video prowess with this elaborate opening.

January 12, 2022

First Game

The first game tied in with unusual due diligence launches, titled Ankr It Up.

January 10, 2022 Play Now!


Who needs Spider-Man when you can have your own website? The website launches with a starter favicon and little else. It would grow to become the entertainment and education giant you know and love today.

January 1, 2022 Visit

UnDD Token

The Unusual Due Diligence Token is unwrapped on a special holiday day. What unusual wonders yet await?

December 25, 2021 Token Details Lite Paper

400 Subscribers

400 subscribers on the Unusual Due Diligence channel means at least 400 beautiful people watch the most unusual of due diligence.

December 24, 2021

100 Subscribers

A seemingly impossible number, the channel crosses the psychologically important 100 subscribers count. The official video celebrating crossing 100 subscribers is a touching tribute.

October 11, 2021


The first video to solidly anchor over 1,000 views, the Community favorite ANKR appears on Unusual Due Diligence. ANKR would quickly grow to become a popular topic on the channel.

September 2, 2021

First Video

The very first video for the channel is released on August 21, 2021 covering the meme stonk $CLOV. Let's agree that mistakes were made. Mysteriously, more than 100 people actually watched this.

August 21, 2021

Hello... World! ORIGIN: 0 views. 0 subscribers. 0 videos.

Let's see what this YouTube thing is all about...

August 16th, 2021